Our Rides
Whilst members are involved in rides, training and events all the time, the Club tries to organise regular rides that can be broadly split into the following categories;
Social Rides - Cycling is of course a social activity and all our club rides have a level of conviviality. However, as we are, primarily, a ‘sports’ club all our club rides involve a degree of physical exertion and are aimed at people who regard cycling as a form of exercise rather than just a leisure activity. We have a variety of Social Rides as listed below but the general principle with them is that the groups keep together and riders are not dropped. More details can be found on our Social Rides page.
Social Rides - Cycling is of course a social activity and all our club rides have a level of conviviality. However, as we are, primarily, a ‘sports’ club all our club rides involve a degree of physical exertion and are aimed at people who regard cycling as a form of exercise rather than just a leisure activity. We have a variety of Social Rides as listed below but the general principle with them is that the groups keep together and riders are not dropped. More details can be found on our Social Rides page.
Training Rides - We organise a range of Training Rides aimed, primarily, at those members who intend to race. During the Winter months, due to weather and general training principles rides are steadier but gradually get faster as spring and the racing season approaches. Rides will often be split into ability groups but are still purposeful - if you are slower than the group, you may get dropped (though you may also get lots of advice and the suggestion you return the following week to keep at it). During racing season rides are, necessarily, fast and not suitable for beginners. All of these rides are aimed at developing group riding - they are not races.
Training Rides - We organise a range of Training Rides aimed, primarily, at those members who intend to race. During the Winter months, due to weather and general training principles rides are steadier but gradually get faster as spring and the racing season approaches. Rides will often be split into ability groups but are still purposeful - if you are slower than the group, you may get dropped (though you may also get lots of advice and the suggestion you return the following week to keep at it). During racing season rides are, necessarily, fast and not suitable for beginners. All of these rides are aimed at developing group riding - they are not races.
MTB Rides - We also organise regular MTB rides and trips away. On a monthly basis we try to organise a weekend Club Ride. During the week we try to organise weekly Wednesday evening rides. All rides are weather dependant and are usually organised through our Discussion Board. Rides are Social in format so new riders welcome.
MTB Rides - We also organise regular MTB rides and trips away. On a monthly basis we try to organise a weekend Club Ride. During the week we try to organise weekly Wednesday evening rides. All rides are weather dependant and are usually organised through our Discussion Board. Rides are Social in format so new riders welcome.