York Sport Cycle Circuit
Post date: May 18, 2013 6:56:56 PM
In the run up to the opening there are a number of test taster events open to York Sport members and members of partnership clubs. For more information visit www.york-sport.com or email cycling@york-sport.com
York's newest cycling facility will be opening very soon, as the nearest British Cycling, Go Ride Club Clifton CC will play an integral part in the delivery of events. The new cycle circuit will be opening to the public early June, there will be a full programme launched by York Sport nearer the time. Clifton CC - Go Ride has been working with York Sport and local clubs to form a York Sport Cycling Partnership ach club will provide a number of volunteers to assist in the delivery of the events, the group will organise a range of coaching, training and racing opportunities for all ages and abilities.