Social Rides
We organise regular Social Rides throughout the year on both Saturday and Sunday with the following aims;
Riding is in a group
Largely on quiet roads
Refuel in a cafe half way
Different route each week
New starters welcome
Get to know your club mates
Improve your fitness
Discover new horizons
Get advice
Clifton CC Saturday Social Rides
The Saturday Social rides have become increasingly popular and there are now more than one group ride leaving Exhibition Square, depending on numbers, weather and who’s out.
The 'K' Group (10am) suitable for relative newcomers to cycle sport, regular participation in this group will lead to improved fitness, better bike handling skills and more confident group riding technique to enable riders to progress to other Club rides or competition. Rides are tailored to meet the aspirations/abilities of all the riders and rides may be altered, or split en route as required, to accommodate individual fitness levels.
A 45 minute cafe stop for lunch is always taken midway and rides are typically of 60-70 miles, during Summer months, ridden at an average speed of around 15mph. Arrival back in York is usually 4.30-5.30pm.
As a guide, if you are capable of riding a solo 50 miles, on flat terrain in good weather at an average speed of about 14mph then you should be comfortable with the pace of this group.
The ‘A’ Group (10am) during the Summer months, will clock up between 75- 90 miles, usually number about 10 & head off to all 4 corners of Yorkshire. A 45 minute café stop is taken for lunch. The Group is aimed at experienced riders who want an all-day ride and are comfortable riding long distances in a group. The Group usually averages 17-18 mph.
A key element of all both Groups is to find a suitable café which provides a warm welcome and good grub.
The 'K' ride in particular endeavours to give newcomers an insight into club cycling.
All groups meet every Saturday at Exhibition Square (outside the Art Gallery. Free toilet facilities across the road).
For further information, email
The 8.45 Ride (8.45am) suitable for experienced riders only. This Group is aimed at those who want a brisk Social ride but are not aiming to be out all day. The format is a non-stop 50-60mile ride with no Cafe stop and usually arrives back into York around midday. It is not a training ride so the Group aims to stay together and look after each other, but it is quite quick averaging around 18mph.
Clifton CC Sunday Club Run
The Sunday Clubrun is a traditional club ride of 80-100 miles at 14-17 mph (discounting stops and depending on terrain). We may cover a little less in the Winter or in inclement weather. In the summer there are also set-piece rides, part of the club Challenge Series, which are significantly longer and these are always advertised well in advance. Any of the rides can be challenging however, and may include some big hills, but everyone is looked after and nobody is left behind. There is usually a café stop en route. You're ready for this run if the Saturday Social Ride is comfortable or you have done some 40-50 mile solo rides and can handle 15+ mph for good sections of these.
General Advice
The following advice is for those new to Club riding
Make sure your bike fits and the brakes and gears work
The rides described here are designed for road bikes, but an MTB with slick tyres may do the job
Pump your tyres up as hard as they will go with a hand pump. If you use a workshop pump with a gauge then 100psi or 6 Bar is fine for most narrow tyres. Look on the side on the tyre for a 'Maximum Inflation' value and inflate to that if less
Oil your chain, leave the oil to soak in for 30 mins (or more), then wipe the chain with a rag to remove the surface oil (which doesn't help lubricate but does attract dirt!)
Bring some money for the cafe, spare tube, tyre levers, multi tool, waterproof, a bottle of water/juice, a bite to eat (eg banana, chew bar)
Leave behind the U-lock, flask of coffee, Tupperware of sandwiches, cam-corder and anything heavy.
Wear close fitting clothes including tights/tracksters if the temperature is below about 15C (beware of wind-chill)
Wear a helmet (but make sure it fits!) if you wish. Many club members wear helmets at all times, but it is not compulsory for club runs