
Clifton Club Hill Climb Championship

This years event: Sunday 6th. of October, 2019

The club organises an annual hill climb competition in October. Since 2000, we've used the lane up Worsendale from the village of Bishop Wilton to the junction with the top of Garrowby Hill at the edge of the Yorkshire Wolds. The course is 1.2 miles (2km) long, climbs about 560 feet (170m), and the steepest gradient is 1 in 6 (17%). The fastest time is usually about 6 minutes, but the course record was sent in 2006 by Kit Gilham and stands at 5:24. The Clifton women's record is 7:23 by Heather Tuffs in 2009.

Hill climb results 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Pictures: 2009 2007 2005 2003

Once you've done the climb and got a time, you can calculate your average power output using this Excel spreadsheet.

The climb starts in Bishop Wilton village, a safe distance from the crossroads, yet well short of the steep stuff. Drizzle was falling on the day these photos were taken. Click on the images for larger versions.

This next picture is from close to the start line, so there's a bit of overlap with the previous picture. Subsequent photos are without overlap.

Nearing the top of the village now - a speed limit sign can just be seen as the road swings to the left.

About a minute gone already and hopefully no problems, but this is where it starts to get steep.

Around the bend and it gets a little steeper.

Around the next bend and the gradient eases off a lot, but it's still uphill - there isn't any flat or downhill at all on this course.

There's a pile of a farmhouse coming up on the right.

If you were to look over your right shoulder here, about a third of the way up, you might see this view of Bishop Wilton. (But don't - you'll see it on the way back down!)

Gradually it gets steeper again. (Some photos of riders climbing here.)

And there's more. That easy stretch was a one-off - there isn't another.

A wood is the next major feature - along with an ever steeper gradient.

If it doesn't hurt by now, you're not doing it right.

Towards the end of the wood, the climb is still getting steeper, though it isn't clear from this picture.

At this point, our photographer had to dash back down to sign on. He returned another day at a later time and took the rest...

The gradient eases as the road leaves the wood.

It looks like it should be getting easier, as the road begins to round the top of the Wold.

See the fence? There'll probably be spectators urging you on. The finish is just around the corner. Sprint!

The finish line and timekeepers were and will be at the gap in the fence.

The Give Way sign is at a T junction with a busy A road. You'll probably want to stop - try not to fall off in an embarrassing heap. If you must have a cool down, turn right with care, as turning left would take you down the hill.